Links and References

 Additional Resources for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy


NINDS Muscular Dystrophy Information Page []
From the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)

The Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) []
An advocacy group for muscular dystrophy

Parent Project for Muscular Dystrophy Research []
A digest of breaking research news on Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) and Becker Muscular Dystrophy (BMD)

Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy []
From Genetics Home Reference

Duchenne muscular dystrophy []
From Medline Plus

Muscular Dystrophy Australia -

Muscular Dystophy Queensland -



Bakker, J.P.J., de Groot, I.J.M., Beckerman, H., de Jong, B.A., Lankhorst, G.J. 2000. The effects of knee - ankle – foot orthoses in the treatment of Duchenne muscular dystrophy: review of the literature. Clinical Rehabilitation 14: 343-359.
Beenakker, E.A.C., Husken, M.O., Brouwer, O.F., Van Der Hoeven, J.H., Fock, J.M. 2005. Steroid therapy in Duchenne muscular dystrophy: a review of the literature. From
Bushby, K., Bourke, J., Bullock, R., Eagle, M., Gibson, M., and Quinby, J. 2005. The multidisciplinary management of Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Current Paediatrics 15: 292-300.
Corrado, A. 2007. The role of corticosteroids in muscular dystrophy: a critical appraisal. Muscle and Nerve 36(4): 424-435.
Getz, M., Hutzler, Y., Vermeer, A. 2006. Effects of aquatic interventions in children with neuromotor impairments: a sytematic review of the literature. Clinical Rehabilitation. 20: 927-936.
Grange, R., and Call, J. Recommendations to define exercise prescription for Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Exercise Sport Science Review 35: 12-17.

Keeling, G., & Richard, M. (2007). Weekly oral prednisolone improves survival and strength in malemdx mice. Muscle & Nerve 35(1): 34-36.


King, M., Ruttencutter R., Nagaraja, N., Matkovic, V., Landoll, J., Hoyle, C., MD, Mendell, J., and Kissel, T. (2007). Orthopedic outcomes of long-term daily corticosteroid treatment in Duchenne muscular dystrophy. MD NEUROLOGY 68:1607-1613.

La Fontaine, T., Toedebusch, B. 2005. Strength and Conditioning for persons with Muscular Dystrophy. Strength and Conditioning Journal 27(3).
Posselt, H., Maloney, M., Hodgenan, S., Nunn, J., Stafford, D., Vanzetti, M., Nash, C. 2001. Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy; A team approach to management. Montrose ACCESS.  

van Essen, A.,   Kneppers, A.,  van der Hout, A.,   Scheffer, H.,  Ginjaar, I.,  Kate, L., van Ommen, G., Buys, C., and Bakker E. (1997). The clinical and molecular genetic approach to Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy: an updated protocol. Journal of Medical Genetics. 34(10): 805–812

Wenneberg, S., Gunnarsson, L.G., Ahlstrom, G. 2004. Using a novel exercise programme for patients with muscular dystrophy. Part I: A quantitative study. Disability and Rehabilitation. 26(10): 586-594.
Wenneberg, S., Gunnarsson, L.G., Ahlstrom, G. 2004. Using a novel exercise programme for patients with muscular dystrophy. Part II: A quantitative study. Disability and Rehabilitation. 26(10): 595-602.

Yau, S.,  Bobrow, M.,  Mathew, C. and Abbs, S. (1996).. Accurate diagnosis of carriers of deletions and duplications in Duchenne/Becker muscular dystrophy by fluorescent dosage analysis Journal of Medical Genetics. 33(7): 550–558.


Zubrzycka-Gaarn, E., Bulman, D., Karpati, G., Burghes, A., Belfall, B., Klamut, H., Talbot, J., Hodges, R., Ray, P., and Worton, R. (1988). The Duchenne muscular dystrophy gene product is localized in sarcolemma of human skeletal muscle. Cell

2(333): 466-9




Figure 1: Dramatic Sting. (2007). Retrieved October 10, 2008, from

Figure 2: Human Illnesses. (2007). Retrieved October 10, 2008, from

Figure 3: Neurology India. (2002). Retrieved October 11, 2008, from

Figure 4: Up to Date. (2006). Retrieved October 11, 2008, from;jsessionid=2777DE8A482E1   415E529596083923432.0603?topicKey=~NxvTkMKM4Er.nv&view

Figure 5: Disability information resources. (2007). Retrieved October 11, 2008, from

Figure 6: McMaster University. (2007). Retrieved October 14, 2008, from

Figure 7 & 8: Muscular Dystrophy Campaign. (2002). Retrieved October 13, 2008, from _factsheets/guidelines_for.html

Figure 9: Science Sisters. (2006). Retrieved October 13, 2008, from



Dr. Abdurrahim ÇEKİN (Pediatrist), gowers sign. (2007). Retrieved October 14, 2008, from